Get Started
It can be difficult to find and retain employees who are the right fit for your company—people with knowledge, skills, and commitment to add to your team. That’s where Network2Work comes in. We find and prepare job seekers ready to make a change with the training and certifications necessary to become valuable assets to your company and then we connect them with you. Network2Work makes it easier for you to find and retain skilled candidates for your company.
When people are able to find and keep jobs with livable wages, they and their families are more likely to experience healthy, stable lives. We all benefit, because financially stable individuals and families lead to a better workforce and a stronger community.
Network2Work welcomes business partners from high-demand fields, including, but not limited to:
Manufacturing and logistics
Construction and trades
Information technology
There are many benefits to becoming a Network2Work employer, and they all come at absolutely no cost. There is no contract or fee to be a part of this program. Upon becoming part of the network, we will:
Recruit job seekers with the proper training and certifications to meet your needs.
Connect you with qualified candidates who have acquired the necessary job skills and are committed to a pathway of success.
Provide each job seeker with the skills and resources needed to be a successful employee.
Follow up with continued support for both the employer and job seeker, to ensure a smooth transition.
Any organization located throughout the Greater Richmond Region that meets the requirements of the program is eligible to join the network.
Employers in the Greater Richmond region looking to find and keep valuable employees through Network2Work should offer the following: